Thursday, January 31, 2013

Forks over Knives

In our Biology class we watched an incredibly ground breaking documentary by the name of Forks over Knives

The documentary explores the possibility that so-called "diseases of affluence," such as heart disease, can be reversed by adjusting our diets to include less processed and animal-based foods. Back in the 1960s, Cornell University nutritional scientist Dr. T. Colin Campbell was working to find a way to feed the citizens of impoverished Third World nations when he discovered something in the  Philippines that forever changed the way he thought about consumption of food. There, he discovered that the rates of liver cancer among richer children who subsisted on diets rich in animal-based foods were notably higher than in the children who consumed plant-based diets. Meanwhile, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, a surgeon, was also discovering that many of the diseases he saw in patients were practically nonexistent in areas of the world where people were primarily consuming plant foods. Several investigations by the researchers, who did not meet each other until the 1980s, (including a study in China by Dr. Campbell) led them to the revelation that a whole-food, plant-based diet could prevent, and even reverse, such intense conditions as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and even some forms of cancer.

I found that this movie taught much of what I have been taught by my parents over the past few years. However, the film shows the reality of what goes on in America and other richer countries who eat rich, animal based diets.

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